Saturday 26 July 2008


The end of queenswood 2008

thanks for everything!!!

Friday 25 July 2008

Thursday 24 July 2008

Monday 21 July 2008

Madame tussauds photos

My sister and I

The amazing thing of this weekend was that I saw my sister in Madame Tussauds. She is also in England to learn english but we are not in the same summercamp. She is in Downe House during the time I'm in Queenswood. I was so choked when I saw her ^^ It was the surprise of the day!!!

We passed all the time in Madame Tussauds together and I explained her my life in queenswood, what was happened and she did the same about her self...
I was really happy and I felt better after I've spook with her :)

Thursday 17 July 2008



Everybody can have friends. But for me there are several types of relationship. When you meet a new person, she becomes an acquaintance. After a such of time, you know the person beter and she becomes a good friend. Sometimes she is so similar or near you that she is like your best friend. I'm writing this to speak about my friendship at Queenswood. It's my second year here and I met again so many good people... In the beginning you speak with everybody but quickly you have more affinity with certain students. And you become closer.

I just write this "stupid" article to thank all of my new friends here from Queenswood. I know that we are only knowing each other for 2 or 3 weks... But I met some people that I could not forget in my future.

Big thanks for:

* Jean-Paul who is always near me to hear my problems and to console me. I don't know how he can find the force to continue to be my friend ;) He i the most generous and understanding boy that I've ever seen. Thanks...

* Louis who is always teasing me. He enjoys his life and trys to make everybody happy. He is the funniest boy here. Thanks...

* Maria, she is the only spanish who is trying to speak english ;). I will never forget how friendly she is. Make some jokes is one of her "turkish" power ^^. Never forget "Do you have some news ? Yeah, there is no sun in Spain". For your originality, thanks...

* Ronan, he is like my best friend here. He speaks with me like I'm a boy :) We have no secret for both of us. For your complicity, thanks...

* Anne, she is maybe the only girl here who has got all of these qualities... For being you, thanks...

* Daniel, he is my little frankfurt sausage that I really liked. To be also comprehensive and fiendly, to have so funny glasses ;), to say to me "If you want to talk I'm here". For you, thanks...

* Lika, the only Russian I've ever met and that I like. To be the last one who knows that was finished ;), to be so beautiful with your long hair, to be my best classmates, thanks...

* Hakan, Berker and Ermre, my 3 sweet Turkish boys with who I spend all my freetime!!! For your crazy brains, thanks...

For my last year here, all of these thanks are really important. I've got bad and good moments in Queenswood. When it was bad, all of these guys where near me to help me. When it was good, I'm sure that I was with them. They are the reason of my pleasue here!


Tuesday 15 July 2008

Sunday activities

Sunday was like our day off. We hadn't any lessons but free time and activities. Some students decided to go to Thorpe Park. I didn't go because all of my friends wouldn't participe to this extra activity who costed 40 £. At 8 o'clock all the Thorp Park "students were away and we begon to choice our activities... I chose Swiming, Tennis and Football.

Queenswood has got a really good swimming pool. I swimmed for a long time but went out because the water was a bit cold. After I spoke with the spanish girls who weren't in the water.

After my free time I played Tennis with Daniel, a german boy. At the beginning we played like beginner. But after half en hour we begon to play better. It was really funny to play with Daniel. He is really nice and when he lost, he made some crazy face like he would die... ^^
And we spoke only english. That's the way we have to follow :p

My last activity was football but I only ran with Maria, my best Spanish friend. Every day we chose football so we can run. I've to prepare my volleyball season and so do some sports. Maria is one of my best friends here and we can undersand each other even though we aren't from the same country. That's amazing :)

Monday 14 July 2008

Disco's photo

There is nothing to explain. When you look at this photo's, you know how great was this disco :)


Saturday night was the disco. I didn't know how it will be. Last year the disco wasn't really fun. But this time some boys named their music and so mad the ambiance. We anced a lot and spoke a lotabout everything. I enjoyed all the 3 hours... After I was a bit tired :) and at eleven o clock I went back to my bed: happy but tired.

I stayed with everybody. In this photo, there is Izabel from spain, Anne from France, Harkan, Emre and Berjek from Turkey.


These boys are Louis and Jean-Paul. They are from France. Really nice :)
The only bad things is that they are staying 2 weeks... One less than me.

(ps: you can see the new Louis Jacket... ^^)

Excursion in Cambridge

We went to Cambridge. The weather was really better than last time. But one think was really boring. We had to come in groups and go in the coach by groups. Fortunatly I was with some friends ... but If we could sit how we wantit would be funnier...

We had free time to do shopping and visit Cambridge. I bought nothing but I saw some students with 4 or 5 packets... I only dronk a Starbuks milkshake... I love it because we don't have Starbucks coffee in my town.

Drama show

I did the zombie with my drama classe. I think we looked a little bit stupid but it was really funny. We mad some fack blood and putted a lines Tshirt (like the teachers)
My friends said to me that that was great... I hope :)

Thursday 10 July 2008

Trip in London: The tower of London

The theme of this week is "horror". So yesterday, We went to LOndon to visit de tower of London.

At 9 o'clock, we took the coach to make a visit of London with a guide. She explained us a lot of thinks like wich person went to the tower and somethings like that.
The bad things was the weather. It was raining cats and dogs... We were wet, wet and wet!!!

After we had "free time" inside the castel "tower of London" to isit by our self.

thuesday evening

My optional activities on Tuesday was cinema. I saw "Hancock". I really enjoyed it. It's a film who spoke about a hero who drinks to much. I liked the actor Will Smith. I think that he plays well and I like his style.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Tuesday 07.07.08

Yesterday was my first day in Queenswood. I stay here 3 weeks... I hope I will progress in English. I'm not really good but I think that I've good teachers to progres.

I did the test yesterday morning to know my level. I've a good class and my teacher is Brian and Sandy. I had Sandy last year but for me it is not a problem. I had also my workshop for the first time. I'm in drama. I'm not really happy because it was my thirst choice... My first was heathly and fitness and my second media&studies. We made the zombies because the theme of the week is "horror". That was funny. The real problem is that we have to practise something on Friday evening. I hope we are no going to look stupid. . .

I met a lot of people here from different nationalities. I'm the only Belgian (girl). There are French, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Italian, German,... guys. I've some friends.

Today we are going to the cinema or to the bowling. I'm going to the cinema... I don't know wich film we are going to watch but I know that's with Will Smith... I hope I will enjoy it !!!